Travel & Lifestyle

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014


Vicious words drift away from their meanings

And the sun melts the chill from our lives

Helping us all to remember what we came here for

This is love, this is la la la la love ...

No hay nada mejor que comenzar un buen día con una buena canción, siempre suelo cambiar la melodía de mi despertador, y cuando suena ESA canción me levanto cantando, todo es felicidad y no habrá nada ni nadie que me impida ser feliz. Una de mis canciones preferidas de George Harrison es This is Love, la cual me inspiró hacer este outfit. George siempre con la onda demi, peace and love. Espero os guste.

There's nothing better than start a new day with a really good song, I always used to change my alarm melody, and when THAT song plays I got up singing, everything is happiness and there won't be anything and nobody who can change that. One of my favorite songs of George Harrison is This is Love, which inspired me for this outfit. George always in demi jeans, peace and love. Hope you like it.

Bisou bisous 

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